Thousands of businesses have already outfitted their point of sale systems with check readers to speed up sales and transactions. MagTek's MICR check reader lets business' process checks fast and accurately even in the most demanding environment. MagTek's can read all MICR data format and has an incredibly high read reliability rate and many models come with built in magnetic stripe readers.

The very accurate MagTek MICRImage Check Reader and Imager work by imagining checks and reads MICR characters in one pass. It can read checks, banks withdrawal and deposit slips, and other transaction documents. Models available with a magnetic stripe reader.
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The Mini MICR Check Reader can read various check formats. It has a small footprint, a high accuracy, and a high level of dependability. It can read MICR on checks, bank deposits, bank withdrawals, and other MICR encoded slips.
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All the features, accuracy, and dependability of the Magtek Mini MICR check reader plus the ability to read a magnetic stripe card. This will let your register easily process checks and credit cards from the same unit.
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